Make it stand out.

thanks for being here.

I'm Chelsea and I chase sunlight, tide pools and the intricacies that nature shows us. I'm forever curious about the edges of life that make us question, wonder and push our own envelopes of emotion. Most of my time is spent in the process of creating while exploring the best medium to execute the collaboration between my brain, soul and hand.

On this canvas and container I'm exploring what it means to write and share the hard moments. As I find myself in a place where the majority of my experiences are hard to say, one thing I do know is that someone somewhere is meant to hear it. My desire is that I can inspire another breathing, feeling being that has stumbled, fallen and possibly gotten up again as I have.

These pages are indeed my own experiences as well as the results of diving in to understand them all deeper. I invite you to follow along.

I turned 40 in March 2024 and found myself up against big questions surrounding what I’m doing, what I’ve done and what’s next. This video is my 40th present from a dear friend. You can find her work here.